Los Angeles has been home to many groups pushing for transportation reform, and one of the new groups that's been making a big impact has been Bikeside. The group has been a leader in highlighting some personal stories as well as data mapping crash history from LAPD maps. They've also put their pedals where their mouths are and organied a ride to Beverly Hills City Hall to push their Council to reform the city's policies towards hit and run crashes.
This Saturday at 5:00 P.M. Bikeside hosts a unique event at the Bikerowave, 12255 Venice Blvd., designed to educate and empower cyclists to get more involved in the decisions that make an impact on their rides.
The program? Seven of the top bike activists in the city each give seven minute presentations on seven different topics. Each of the seven presentations are followed by a question and answer session that's seven minutes. I have to admit, I like the "seven" motif.
The roster for speakers includes:Jeremy Grant, Stephen Box, Mihai Peteu, Ron Durgin, Sara Bond, Enci Box, and Alex Thompson. Topics range from Moving L.A. with the Greensters, Crowdsourcing & LA Bike Map, and "Every Street Is a People Street." It promises to be a lively and engaging conversation...so lively that I might stay up past my bedtime to make it there myself.
So get in on all the fun this weekend at the Bikerowave. The popular Crank Mob ride may (or may not) follow Bikeside Speaks. As a result of the event, Bikerowave will be closing early for all but the most urgent of repairs.
There's plenty of places to find out more about Bikeside Speaks! and the event is open to the public. For more information, check out Bikeside's website, TwitVite, or Facebook page.