For about a month and a half, rumors have been circulating that September 12 would be the date of Los Angeles' "Ciclovia style" open street festival. The CicLAvia team has been working hard to bring this sort of game changing event to Los Angeles, but the Mayor's office has asked that the date of the festival could be kept quiet until they could make an official announcement.
Six weeks later, we're still waiting for an announcement, but Metro apparently didn't get the memorandum. In their webpage devoted to Bike to Work Week, coming next week, Metro gives away the date for CicLAvia. But now that I have a government agency confirming the date: Mark your calendars for September 12. It's going to be a landmark day in the City of Angels. Here's a look at Metro's "other events" listings:

Don't worry, this is the first of many articles we'll be running on CicLAvia, the event, between now and then. Or, you can read a lot more about CicLAvia at the organizer's website.