The sad saga of John Osnes and David Jassy has finally come to an end. Late in December of 2008, Jassy and Osnes got in an altercation when Jassy's SUV encroached on a crosswalk being utilized by Osnes. By the time all was said and done, Jassy was fleeing the scene in his SUV while Jassy lie dieing in the street, brutally beaten and run over.
Today, Jassy received his punishment, in the form of a fifteen year to life sentence for second-degree murder. By the time Jassy, a Swedish citizen, is released he will then likely face deportation charges. While the vulnerable users of L.A.'s streets can take solace in the words the judge spoke rejecting some of Jassy's claims of being in danger while surrounded by his SUV, we should also take note of the words the judge spoke about how in a trial such as this, everyone is a loser because one entitled driver snapped and attacked a defenseless pedestrian.
Crowley told the judge he saw “no winners” in the jury verdict. The twodozen friends who packed the courtroom had lost Osnes, he said. Then,turning to Jassy, he said, “You lost most of your life. You lost yourson for all practical purposes. You lost the girl you loved.” Therapper's 11-year-old son lives in Sweden.