- Sentencing Day: Cyclists Want Book Thrown at Christopher Thompson (Times)
- D.A. Is Asking for Eight Years (NYT)
- EPA Asking for Tougher Standards on Emissions (NYT)
- Officials Celebrate Widening of Sepulveda Boulevard (Times)
- Is Orange Line the Future of Buses? (One Earth)
- Caltrans To Report on Awesomeness of 710 Tunnel Results of Seismic Surveys for 710 (Pasadena Star News)
- Texas Starts Eyeing a Mileage Tax (Houston Chron via Planetizen)
- Advocates Pushing for a Vehicular Homicide Law in Oregon (Bike Portland)
- Fantastic Video: Snowy January Biking in Copenhagen (Copenhagenize)
More headlines over at Streetsblog Capitol Hill.