Amidst the recent barrage of uninspiring
bike-related news, here's some inspiring fare: early 20th century
catalogue copy from the Chicago-based Mead Bicycle Company, which
reminds that the pleasures and benefits derived from human-powered
transport are as varied as they are timeless. Here's a taste:
Ifyou work in a city, ride to work and home again on a bicycle! Don'tstay indoors so much of the time -- keep outside more and you'll behappier and your brain will be clearer. You can think better. Worries,the "blues," etc., will vanish. You must be healthy to be happy. Abicycle will give you a store of health, and enable you to face life'sbattles with strength, courage, confidence, and enthusiasm.
You can find the actual catalogue page here. Find out more about Mead, once famous for its mail-order "Ranger" line, here and here. Enjoy.