Tonight at 6:30, the Transit Coalition will host former Caltrans Director and current OCTA CEO Will Kempton at their annual meeting. The meeting is open to the public and takes place at Phillipe the Original, 1001 Alameda Street, in the Downtown. If memory serves, there are pretty specific directions about how to find the meeting once you arrive, so if this is your first time, print the directions found here.
Specifically, Kempton is expected to talk about Metrolink
expansion, LOSSAN Corridor activities and the Anaheim-LA High Speed
Rail project. He will also answer questions as time permits. I would imagine that after weeks of talking about OCTA service cuts, Kempton is probably happy to talk about expansion, at least for a couple of hours.
Of course, there will be other issues discussed by the Coaltion such as the proposed Metrolink cuts announced yesterday (much more on that later this morning), and a review of the Gold Line Eastside Extension.