When Metro first announced it was going to open its own blog, the first questions everyone had were "who will be writing it," and "will they be independent or just Metro public relations officers." Given the choice of the writers they selected, the same two writers I would have picked if i were them, I think we have our answer. From the press release:
With contributors like Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Steve Hymon and car-less in L.A. blogger Frederick Dennstedt a.k.a. Fred Camino, The Source is updated throughout the day with key developments and unique viewpoints that will help the public keep tabs on what's being done to keep L.A. County moving and how taxpayers' transit sales tax dollars are being spent. The Source will showcase a steady stream of real time news about Metro and critical transportation issues as well as feature stories packaged with video, photos and other compelling visuals.
Woah! Camino and Hymon in one blog? Good work whoever in H.R. made that decision.
Mixed in with their writing will be some Metro press releases, a morning headlines section that is currently housed at The Metro Library as well as the contributions of the former Metro Rider and Bottleneck Blogger.
So far, Hymon has a couple of pieces up that qualify as "hard news" writing. His first looks at that letter from 14 Congress People asking for more projects to be sent to the federal government for funding and a F.A.Q on the Long Range Transportation Plan.
My only criticism thus far is that there's no comments section. C'mon guys, two-way communication is all the fad these days!