Much like Enci's husband Stephen Box last week, Enci probably needs no introduction to any regular reader of Los Angeles
Streetsblog. Enci has a long list of groups and projects that she
works on related to the push for Livable Streets including the green
production company "Rebel Without a Car," and the oft-discussed Bike
Writers Collective. But even putting aside these groups Enci lives a
car-free life style, proving one can be a successful part of "The
Business" without her own, personal, internal-combustion engine.
If you enjoy reading Enci's work, you can find more of her writing
at many places around the Internet including the Rebel Without a Car
website and blog, her personal blog Illuminate L.A., which is one of five blogs I read to educate myself about life in L.A. before moving here, and her acting blog Enci Performs.