Last Friday, USDOT Secretary Ray LaHood visited Los Angeles and took a tour on the "soon to be opened to the public" Gold Line Eastside Extension and liked what he saw. LaHood remarked on both the livability and potential of East L.A. commenting on the Fast Lane that
Along the way, I saw wonderful housing opportunities and very livable
communities. Metro estimates about 13,000 daily trips on this extension
by the end of its first year. That's livable mobility, designed
specifically for the communities the Eastside Extension serves.
Outside of the positive feelings generated, there wasn't a lot of news from LaHood's visit; but in addition to LaHood's remarks you can get a good idea of what some of the new stations on the Eastside are going to look like from the video above. Metro should consider making promotional videos to build excitement for more of their coming rail projects.