Last night when biking home from the Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting, I noticed that Fourth Street, home to the 4th Street Bike Boulevard movement, had been repaved for large stretches of the street. Stretches of asphalt that used to be populated with potholes and was now smooth, flat roadway.
This afternoon, I noticed that not only were local streets in my Farifax community also being repaved, but that new paint was also appearing on the ground. This crosswalk, connecting the North and South sides of Beverly Boulevard at Fuller Street. The Northwest corner of this intersection houses the Bais Yaakov School for Girls.
Given that the city is flush with funds for repaving thanks to the stimulus, now is a great time to start seeing some better painted streets throughout the city. If you're seeing improvements in your neighborhood, drop me a line t damien@streetsblog.org or leave a comment below.