Anyone that's read the Streetsblog comments section is familar with Ubrayj02 or Umberto Brayj. Not everyone has made the connection that Ubrayj is Josef Bray-Ali in real life, and he has an impressive track record of advocacy in his own right including founding the Bike Oven and the Flying Pigeon Bike Shop.
At his own blog, Brayj Against the Machine, Bray-Ali has written a couple of posts about people that drive to Lincoln Park, the largest tract of open space in his community, and park their cars on the grass and in pedestrian trails. Even worse, entitled drivers plow up and down the bike and pedestrian paths as though they owne them, even though they're banned.
But, since Bray-Ali is more about solutions than problems, he's come up with a solution that would allow people to drive to the park and protect the rest of the park goers from entitled, dangerous driving. To see his solution, head on over to his personal blog, Brayj Against the Machine.