to town Chase. I'm super impressed you have been reading Streetsblog
San Francisco and made an ad that reflects some of the knowledge you've
acquired here. This is obviously a shout out to the car-free community.
Might the admen understand the incredible cost savings of ditching the car
for a bike, which can save you more than $9,000 every year in direct
vehicle costs, not to mention the health savings from an active
lifestyle and the peace of mind of contributing fewer greenhouse gases
to a dangerously warming planet?
Or maybe this is an
homage to the cyclist as hero, walking into the sunset after defeating
the highway lobby in Washington and securing billions for transit in
the re-authorization of the transportation act.
I'm not sure a big bank like that has the time in between taking billions of taxpayer bailouts and spending them on new airplanes
to focus on the subtleties of the message they're sending to the more
than one-hundred thousand San Franciscans who ride weekly.
What do you think, Streetsblog Nation?
(Editor's note: I left all the San Francisco references in the article because it reads better than my attempts to re-write it. Rest assured, I've seen the same billboard here in L.A., although I didn't have my camera on me at the moment - D)