It's been nine months since Metro's last online chat as Antonio Villaraigosa was less likely to expose himself to online critics than his predecessor, Santa Monica's Pam O'Connor. However, Metro is bringing back the online chat, although instead of Villaraigosa or O'Connor, Metro Chief Operating Officer Carolyn Flowers will host the next live Internet chat at noon, Friday, April 3, at metro.net.
In addition to discussing how difficult it is to run one of the world's largest bus fleets, Flowers will address how Measure R can help maintain the bus fleet and grow transit throughout the county. In their own words:
What bus-related projects are first in line to receiveMeasure R dollars? Can Measure R be used to keep the buses running, orcan it only go toward construction projects? Will the President'sstimulus plan offer anything for bus riders? Is Metro still looking forbus operators? And, if so, how should potential candidates apply? Howshould customers file a concern or complaint? What kind of technologydoes Metro use to keep bus riders safe and secure?
Some critics used to complain that O'Connor's chats were all softballs and sometimes questions and responses from the chat would disappear off the final chat; but the best way to have a substantive discussion is to submit tough questions.
If you can't make the chat this Friday, you can submit questions at Metro.net and the entire chat will be archived there after the session is closed.