Local urban
planner/community activist James Rojas is Building Sustainable L.A! His
interactive urban planning art project allows participants to
reinvasion a green LA by using a medley of found objects. Participants
are invited to place these objects on a plot plan of the city and
become part of the constantly changing urban environment. This project
allows people get comfortable with the city and channel their inner
urban planner, envisioning public and civic amenities.
Rojas' model is up throughout the day, and he's speaking at 12:30 p.m. As co-founder of the Latino Urban Forum, an advocacy group of architects, planners and activists, he will talk about Latino
settlement patterns in the U.S. Because of the way the Latinos retrofit
the auto-oriented built form — with walking, the use of public transit
and street vending — they are, advertently or not, transforming the
suburbs into sustainable places. http://www.nhm.org/