The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) and Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) will hold a community meeting in Santa Clarita to discuss bike and pedestrian access to the Newhall Metrolink Station on Saturday, May 3.
The community meeting will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Newhall Elementary School, 24607 N. Walnut Street, in Newhall as part of a comprehensive study of existing conditions and recommendations for improvements at transit hubs across the Los Angeles County.
The Newhall Metrolink station was selected, in addition to five other transit stations, because of its high transit use. The study is funded by a Caltrans Environmental Justice Planning Grant.
The public will have an opportunity to bike and walk around the Metrolink station to assess its bike and pedestrian access, present findings, and provide key input into the plan. These findings will be incorporated into a final report of recommendations to be completed in the fall of 2008. These reports can be used by cities to apply for grant funds to improve access to the stations.
For more information regarding Metro’s bicycle planning work, visit: or call Lynne Goldsmith, Metro Bike Program Manager at (213) 922-3068. If you want to contact the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition, call Dorothy Kieu Le, Planning and Policy Director, at 9213) 629-2142 or visit