Monday, December 3
LA City Council
Transportation Committee Meeting - SPECIAL MEETING - REVISED AGENDA
Tuesday, December 4
7:00 pm
DWP Board Room, 111 N. Hope Street
TheLos Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) advises the Los Angeles DOT, the Planning Department, and the Department of Recreation and Parks on issues relevant to bicycling for transportation, recreational bicycling, and the implementation of the City's Bicycle Plan. The full BAC meets the first Tuesday of every even month; Subcommittees (Advocacy, Bikeway Engineering, Education and Promotion, and Planning) meet in the odd months.To view all available BAC Minutes and Agendas, visit
7 - 10pm San Fernando Valley Critical Mass
Victory Blvd. & Woodley Ave. Van Nuys(southwest corner) by the bike racks and lockersoff the Orange Line Bike Path. Orange Line Woodley stop.
Here it is folks! We have all talked, dreamed and preyed for it. Its on..........................
The San Fernando Valley Critical Mass!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to conflict with other critical mass rides in the Los Angeles area, we have decided on the first Tuesday of the Month.
Thursday, December 6
6:30 P.M. TO 9:00 PM
Please join the City of Santa Monica Planning & Community Development Department at a citywide workshop that will explore transportation strategies to determine better ways for people to move around and park in the city over the next 20 years. MORE DETAILS: Please see the attached flyer or check the project website: Refreshments, snacks will be provided.Please RSVP:
Location: 1855 Main Street, east wing
7-10 pm
LA Green Drinks - Culver City
Duke's Hideaway at the Culver Hotel9400 Culver Blvd.Culver City, CA 90232
Remember-If anyone wants to bring literature to promote their green issueplease do so-we will have an area for brochures, business cards, etc.We will also take back any extra literature back and bring them to the next Green Drinks.The main thing is just to relax and have a good time.
Friday, December 7
6:30 - 9:30 Santa Monica Critical Mass
Santa Monica Pier orUCLA and Venice Beach at 5:30pm (merges with main ride)
Celebrate this month with Critical Mass!
Saturday, December 8
10 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
634 S. Spring St, Mezzanine Level
Designed for those who are new to cycling and/or city riding, this 10-hour course gives you a full understanding of vehicular cycling and the confidence you need to ride safely and legally on the road. Learn basic bike maintenance and skills for safe and legal roadway riding. Fees are $25 for LACBC members and $35 for non-members.To sign up, write or call 213-629-2412
Southern California Transit Advocates monthly meeting
Angelus Plaza, 255 S. Hill Street, in downtown Los Angeles. Call (213) 388-2364 for more information.
Connecting transit service: Metro Red Line and a short walk from every bus line serving downtown Los Angeles; Foothill Transit Line 480; Montebello Bus Lines 40 (east and west) and 50; and Torrance Transit Line 2.