On Wednesday, before the City Council meeting, I had an appointment with the DMV to get my California driver's license. For those of you who don't know me, I'm not a good test taker and held off on making this post so I didn't jinx my chance of passing my driver's test. Now that its done, there's some weird things I noticed that I wanted to mention.
From page 20:
"Regardless of the posted speed limit, your speed should depend on...bicyclists or pedestrians walking along the road's edge." Odd, most cyclists I know don't walk along the edge, they ride their bikes.
Page 33:
"Do not shoot firearms on a highway or at traffic signs."
If you're going to be that specific, I can think of other things not to shoot at.
Page 34:
"You must use your headlights 30 minutes after sunset and leave them on until 30 minutes after sunrise."
Is it just me, or does that mean there's an hour everyday where its cool to drive in the dark with no lights on?
I also find it really weird that to register my car I don't need to get my brakes, lights, or engine checked like I did back east; but the car does have to pass an emissions test.