- Leaders Push To Retain Pasadena-NoHo Express Bus Service (Daily News)
- Garcetti State Of the City Stumps For Measure R2 Sales Tax (KPCC)
- Lyft/Uber Success Means Declining L.A. Taxi Industry (LAT)
- Planned Hollywood High Rise Jettisons Some Parking (Urbanize)
- Metro Moves To Implement Rapid Bus Service To Cal State Northridge (Daily News)
- Planned Koreatown Park Jettisoned For High End Housing (LAT)
- Expo Crash At Western Spurs Worries About Expo 2 Opening In May (KPCC)
- Metro's Early Look At New Gold Line Ridership (The Source)
- Metro On Planned June Bus Service Changes (The Source)
- Man Fatally Stabbed At Wardlow Metro Blue Line Station (LAT)
- Carnage: Man Killed In 14 Freeway Crash In Lancaster (Daily News)
- NY MTA Withdrawing From Ineffective APTA (Systemic Failure)
Calendar bonus: Sunday 4/16 - Santa Monica hosts its 2nd annual Kidical Mass Earth Day ride this Sunday. Gather at 9 a.m. at Memorial Park at 1401 Olympic Boulevard in Santa Monica. More event details at Santa Monica Next.
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