- Ghost Bikes Stand as Memorial to the Fallen (LAT)
- Big Blue Bus Responds to Yesterday's Article (LASB)
- Epstein: The Party of "No" Taking Sides Against Transit (HuffPo)
- New State Law Requires Driver's Licenses for Pedicab Operators (SD Union-Tribune)
- But Gov. Vetoes Law Reducing Fines for Red Light Runners (LA_Now)
- Comptroller Greuel's Report on Red Light Cameras Pokes Council Woman Greuel's Record (City Watch)
- SOCAL Gas Prices Still Falling (Daily News)
- Some Streets Closed This Weekend for Triathalon (Blog Downtown)
- Columnist Almost Makes the Case for "Fix-It-First" Law (City Watch)
- Another Great Write-Up of Park(ing) Day (Los Feliz Ledger)
- Next Week Is National Rideshare Week. Metro Wants to Give You Stuff (The Source)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill