Photo via The Eastsider
The Silver Lake Neighborhood Council is holding a Town Hall Meeting this Saturday from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. at the Silver Lake Recreation Center to discuss the proposed boardwalk that would run parallel to Tesla Boulevard at the northern end of the Silver Lake/Ivanhoe Reservoir. The Boardwalk would both "complete the jogging trail" that was opened in 2008 and, as the LADWP told the Eastsider back in March, would "get pedestrians off the narrow street on Tesla, where there is two-way traffic and heavy pedestrian use."
So far, there hasn't been as much outreach on the proposal as their could be, so the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council has taken it upon themselves to help fill in the outreach gap, so to speak. This Saturday, from 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., Silver Lake stakeholders will have a chance to hear the DWP's plan and provide input in the boardwalk and other pedestrian safety issues facing the neighborhood.
One of the major issues that has dogged other separated trails in L.A. County has been the access to and from the path. We've seen in Ballona Creek and other bike trails that a lack of exit points forces those using the path into some dangerous situations. The walkway would be 550 feet above the street level long. Also on the agenda are alternate proposals, lighting for the boardwalk and whether or not dogs will (or should) be permitted.