There's a lot of exciting events on this week's calendar, including a public meeting on the "Safe Streets" legislation, Park(ing) Day and a slew of cool bike events this weekend.
Tuesday: Assemblyman Paul Krekorian, who is also running for the open City Council meeting in CD2, holds a community meeting in Burbank to discuss his currently-stalled Safe Streets legislation that would help keep rising speed limits at their current level. The meeting starts at 7:00 P.M. at
the Buena Vista Library, 300 N Buena Vista St.
Wednesday and Saturday: The LACBC tried to fill in some of the information gap existing in L.A. County when it comes to bicycle and pedestrian planning when it does a mini-series of bike counts in Glendale. For more information, please go to la-bike.org and to volunteer email labikecount@gmail.com
Friday: Is Park(ing) Day! Have I mentioned that before? Several times? You can make your own space, just look at some of the parks that pop up near you or join one of the two bike rides that are being planned. Join me and whoever else who shows up for the Streetsblog Tour of the Park(ing) spaces from the Westside to the Downtown or the Greensters for their rolling park from Culver City to the Flying Pigeon.
Saturday: If you don't need Lance Armstrong to go for a ride in Griffith Park, this weekend C.I.C.L.E. is sponsoring a true tour of L.A.'s gigantic open space. The ride begins at 10:00 A.M. at the Merry-Go-Round.
Saturday: I often hear from Westsidazz that Venice is where the cool kids hang out. That's never more true than this weekend when Venice is home to The Fourth Annual Venice Custom Bike Show. For more information, visit their website.