A grand jury in Asheville, North Carolina has reduced the charge against a motorist who allegedly shot a cyclist in the head from attempted first-degree murder to felony assault.

to reports, on July 26, Alan Simons was shot by Charles Diez after a
confontation along a busy road. The shooting took place in front of
Simons' wife and 3-year-old kid. Diez was reportedly angered that
Simons was riding a bike with his child seated behind him. Simons was
wearing his bike helmet at the time. Miraculously, the bullet missed
his head.
Wheras Diez originally faced up to 13 years in prison, felony assault carries a penalty of around two years. Reports the weekly Mountain Xpress:
juries deliberate in secret, and District Attorney Ron Moore submitted
both the assault and attempted-murder charges. He told Xpress that he doesn’t know why the grand jury rejected the murder charge.
We don't either, but we can guess.
(h/t Cookster)