Those crazy Cannucks and their silly environmental taxes...
British Columbia joins Quebec as the second Canadian province to implement a carbon tax designed to reduce emissions by 3 million tons within five years. Grist has the full story:
The tax is expected to bring in as much as $1.8 billion over the next three years by increasing the price of almost all fossil fuels in the province, though it's designed to be revenue neutral and won't raise funds for clean energy like Quebec's carbon tax. Instead, to enhance its appeal to consumers, B.C.'s carbon tax is being paired with a $100 rebate as well as a range of tax cuts. Officials hope to change consumers' habits for the better.
Meanwhile, we continue to debate the value of congestion pricing in any form...
For more information on the B.C.'s plan, check out articles in The Globe and Mail, The Vancouver Sun, The Globe and Mail.