Hancock Park Homeowner’s Association Survey on 4th Street Bike Signals
Traffic Light at 4th In Hancock Park
The City of Los Angeles has designated 4th Street in our neighborhood as a bicycle route. In order to facilitate bicycle traffic, the City/
DOT is presently planning to install traffic lights at 4th and Rossmore and 4th and Highland. The justification for adding these lights is a sole one-day survey done on June 14th over 6 hours during peak rush hour periods: 7 to 10am and 3 to 6pm. The survey showed 15 cyclists per hour crossing Highland and Rossmore. DOT therefore justifies the additional stoplights to facilitate just 15 bicycles per hour. In comparison, thousands of cars travel down these streets daily. During rush hour, traffic lights will halt traffic regularly at
3rd, 6th and Wilshire and ADDITIONALLY at 4th street every time someone wants to walk or bike across Highland...at least 15 times per hour according to the survey. Currently pedestrians and cyclists can cross Highland at the stoplights at 3rd, 6th, and Wilshire, just one block in either direction. A similar traffic situation will occur at Rossmore, with potential cut-through traffic pouring onto the residential streets.
Further, the City is proposing that vehicles on 4th St. would be forced to turn right from 4th onto Highland and Rossmore BUT they are not proposing to restrict left- or right-turning traffic on Highland or Rossmore. The signals would not be triggered by vehicles on 4th Street so only bicyclists would be able to proceed straight across the intersection.
We know that additional stop lights cause tremendous cut-through traffic onto interior residential streets in Hancock Park, especially
during rush hour. These cars often travel at high speeds, endangering pedestrians and children. We have seen this happen with the stoplight at Highland & Rosewood and the stoplights on June.
We believe the residents need to have a voice in this issue as they will be the community most impacted by these stoplights. We are surveying the neighborhood to gather the neighborhood's feelings about these stoplights. We will present the results to our Councilman, Tom La Bonge and to Tim Fremaux from the Department of Transportation who is proposing the stoplights.
1. Re: Proposed traffic light at 4th and Highland
I am opposed to any additional traffic stop lights.
I am in favor of additional traditional stoplights at this intersection.
I am in favor of finding ways to calm and mitigate traffic on Highland that does not involve adding additional stop lights at 4th Street, but would benefit the entire community, e.g. lighted crosswalks.
2. Re: Proposed traffic light at 4th and Rossmore
I am opposed to any additional traffic stop lights.
I am in favor of additional traditional stoplights at this intersection.
I am in favor of finding ways to calm and mitigate traffic on Rossmore that does not involve adding additional stop lights at 4th Street, but would benefit the entire community, e.g. lighted crosswalks.
3. Please add any additional comments that would be helpful for DOT to understand about traffic in our neighborhood.
Please add any additional comments that would be helpful for DOT to understand about traffic in our neighborhood.