Metro Looks to Approve Torrance C Line Extension Alignment
Selecting the relatively low-cost hybrid alternative should help the oft-delayed South Bay C Line extension move a step closer to reality
Metro Releases Final Environmental Documents for Southeast Gateway Line
The new Southeast Gateway Line EIS/EIR doesn't have major changes compared to the draft EIS/EIR released in 2021
In March, Feds Approved a Billion Dollars for L.A. County Transit Infrastructure
Newly approved FY2024-25 federal funding coming to L.A. County totals $1.07 billion, which includes Metro projects totalling $860 million
Metro Cancels Bike-Share Procurement that Had Led to Proposed Lyft Contract
Metro will continue with the current contractor, Philadelphia-based Bicycle Transit Systems (BTS), for the forseeable future
L.A. City Announces Hollywood Boulevard Bus/Walk/Bike Upgrades
Iconic Hollywood Boulevard is getting relatively quick-build pedestrian improvements, a mile of bus lanes, and two and a half miles of protected bike lanes
Metro FY24-25 Preliminary Capital Budget: Transit Construction Cut 30 Percent, Highway Expansion Holding Steady
Proposed annual Metro highway expansion construction would hold at about $600M, while transit construction would decrease about 30 percent - from $2.24B to $1.56B
Rundown of New Federal Reconnecting Communities Grants for L.A. County
There are seven L.A. County Reconnecting Communities grants totaling $162 million - about 90% of that goes to Metro's Removing Barriers project, which includes new bus lanes, first/last mile walk/bike facilities, bike-share, and more.
Where L.A. City Will Add New Bus-Only Lanes
New bus lanes are coming to Broadway, Colorado Blvd., Crenshaw Blvd, Lincoln Blvd., Los Feliz Blvd., Santa Monica Blvd., Valley Blvd., Vermont Avenue, Westwood Blvd., Whittier Blvd. and many more city streets!
Metro’s Orwellian Take: Adding Miles of New Lanes to the 710 Freeway Is Not Expanding the Freeway
Metro claims "no [710 Freeway] expansion whatsoever" - and - at the same time Metro says they won't rule out demolishing homes
Supervisor Hahn Calls for No Residential Demolitions in Metro’s 710 Freeway Corridor Project
"[For 710 Freeway expansion] Metro needs to commit itself to zero residential property takes. [Metro] should have as one its top priorities ensuring that our projects do not result in kicking people out of their homes."