If video of a flash mob on Metro Rail became a hit on transportation blogs, the above punk rock video by It's Casual is sure to become a viral hit. (Even as I'm proofreading this, I see Alissa "Gelato Baby" Walker has beaten me to the punch posting this video.)
The song and video itself is a mashup of anger directed at Los Angeles' freeways and the benefits of finding other ways to travel around. The singer screams his rage while shots of congested traffic and a physically divided city assault the senses before shouting in pleasure "THE RED LINE" over and over again while rocking out in a subway car.
The best part of the video is that lead singer Eddie Solis is legitinamtely car free, or "unlicensed" as the band's myspace page says. In addition to a "hard plastic seat," Solis also travels around on his trusty skateboard. There's some pretty awesome imagery of the singer pushing his board with guitar strapped on his back in the video too.
If you're at work, and don't have headphones, you might want to wait until you get home to check this out. If you're not, I bet you end up spending the rest of the day with, "THE FREEWAYS...ARE NOT SO NICE! THE RED LINE!" pounding through your head.