Hat Tip to alert reader Ingrid Peterson.
Yesterday morning, a DASH bus crashed into a woman in the crosswalk on Flower Street, just after 5th, in the cross walk that leads to LA public library. First hand accounts of the crash were pretty graphic and the pedestrian is assumed dead since, in the words of one witness, "there were chunks of blood and brains smeared everywhere." Despite the somewhat spectacular and graphic nature of the crash, it hasn't been reported on any traditional news outlet, print or broadcast, to the best of my, and google's, knowledge.
At this point, the cause of the crash hasn't been determined as a full investigation will be undertaken because the victim passed away.
The obvious thrust of the investigation will most likely focus on whether or not the bus ran a red light. Transit watchers county wide have long complained that Metro and other bus drivers can basically ignore red lights without any worry of being stopped. A thread on Midnight Ridazz on bus driver behavior was full of complaints about red light running and The Bus Bench has already documented that Metro Rapids see red light laws as optional.
While any crash involving a pedestrian is a tragedy, perhaps this is the spark that local transit providers need to take the red light running more seriously. At this point it's too early to know whether the driver, pedestrian, or other both were at fault, but what isn't debateable is whether or not traffic safety laws should apply to all vehicle drivers.
(Update: 10:32 A.M. - The LAPD has confirmed that details are being held until their investigation is finalized. However, unless there is more of an outcry on the incident, there won't be any announcements to the press. Also, LAist has more details on the crash here)