Joe Linton
Long Beach Leads in Traffic Circles
Traffic circles aren't quite ubiquitous in Long Beach, but they're around. Riding and walking through the city one encounters circles in neighborhoods rich and poor, new and old.
Metro and Caltrans Still Planning 605 Expansion, Plus Four Connecting Freeways
Metro and Caltrans are planning to spend billions of dollars widening the 605, 5, 10, 60 and 105 Freeways. Really.
City Leaders Kick Off Planning For Reconnecting MacArthur Park
Reconnecting MacArthur Park is a multi-year planning effort laying the groundwork for closing Wilshire Boulevard between Alvarado Street and Carondelet Street
This Week In Livable Streets
Metro 605/5/10/60/105 freeway expansion, Union Station run-through tracks, Rail to Rail, PCH safety plan, Westside D Line, and more
Metro to Host 605/5 Freeway Expansion Project Meetings
The good news is that, for the 605CIP, Metro is no longer planning to tear down 300+ homes. The bad news is that Metro still plans to widen the 605, 5, and other connecting freeways.